So I had all of these SWEET pictures to share with you, but I couldn't find my cord to get them all off my camera, but then I took my camera with me to a concert and it uh... got stolen... so now it is sad days because you and I can't look at all the sweet pictures I had, man, sometimes it sucks. But its cool, just a little reminder NOT to put too much value in the material things of life... right?!
Anyway, May term has begun, its been pretty fun. It is cool because I have a class I'm taking I'm working, but don't feel like I have even 1/2 the pressure I had during the school year, yikes... am I glad for that!
It's been fun though, I've had the opportunity to hang out with friends alot and with Jeni's family- who extremely cool... yeah, they kind of make fun of me, but honestly- that makes it even more fun... I love sarcasm!
I DO however, miss my family and friends at home quite a bit, but the longer I am away the more awesome the reunion always is! I can't wait to give my Mom a hug, it'll be nice! I seriously am going to live up this Summer for all it has though because... THIS IS MY LAST SUMMER AS A COLLEGE STUDENT!!!! AAAAAAAAH! Isn't that scary? I think so, but I guess it had to happen sometime.
OK, and update on the student teaching thing... I am not student teaching overseas, but wait... its okay. If you would have told me this three months ago I would have said- yeah right! But things were difficult in finding a place to go and everyone else had somewhere to go, yet I didn't, and there was no one to go with me, so this limited my going as well, but then I was asked if I would lead a missions trip and be on WCF (World Christian Fellowship) cabinet. This confirmed for me that these were reasons for me to stay here in the states during spring student teaching. Begin praying about the trip I am leading... I am very excited and can't wait to pour my heart into something as amazing as this!!!!
Anyway, that's about it for now, hopefully I will have some times later to catch up with you (whoever that may be) later... call me- I seriously have time to talk on the phone now!!!!!
KG if fosheezzy fojeezy