Friday, September 30, 2011

Waiting for morning...

Have you ever thought how hard it would have to be...
So many of the stories we know and love in the Bible, I think we take for granted.

We know the beginning from the end... we've read it a thousand times... heard from multiple Pastors and in 3 different ways... but have we really considered the brokenness that each of the "Bible Characters" had to go through? (why do we call them characters? no wonder my mind categorizes it as fiction even when I believe it to be true).

Think about this:
Adam- could you imagine the depression and disappointment when he finally realizes the repercussions of the one bad thing he did... to the point of it being known to this day as "THE FALL OF MAN" Wow, not to mention his son killing his other son... talk about soap opera

What about Noah. For half of his life he was just minding his own business walking with God and then he's called to build the ark... could you imagine when all of his friends literally do die... and they could have been saved if they would have listened to him...

Or Abraham, so often he was just so confused. He knew what God said but just didn't know what to do in the mean time while "waiting" for God's plan to come along... I mean, he knew that he had some role to play in a son being created in his wife's womb... he just didn't know how far he should go on his end of the deal. Or even before that in having to leave everything you know behind and go to another place, or have such an incredibly beautiful wife that you lie and say she's your sister so no one gets hurt.

Or Isaac, or Jacob, or especially Joseph... one day you have this wicked awesome dream of how the Lord is going to use you as a leader and then you find yourself as a slave and then a prisoner... not exactly how he thought he'd spend the next 10 years of his life...

David, the judges, oh, not to mention all the prophets... man, so much brokenness... there just seems to be so many crazy things that constantly happen.

The coolest part though, is seeing the change when the Lord comes onto the scene...
Noah is no longer a sad boat builder but the man who was chosen by God to carry on civilization.
Abraham is no longer a man who has no descendants, but the Father of many Nations (including the two main people groups who are fighting over Jerusalem right now... imagine that).
Joseph is no longer a slave and a prisoner, but he becomes salvation for his family as they may not have survived through the famine without him.
David, no a longer a sheep herding boy, but the warrior and ruler of a great nation.
Even Job... or Daniel... or Shad, Rach, and Benny (Some serious brokenness going on right there)

So here's where my hope lies. In Him. Brokenness in this world leads to wholeness.
Which was perfectly portrayed in Christ's life, death, and resurrection. What appears as death and defeat on the cross was really done by God to bring us from our rightful places of brokenness to the amazing unbelievable lives of wholeness and salvation through Him. His Brokenness leads to our Victory. His pain created a way for our healing.

Becoming worthless and broken in this life leads us to being a treasure and tool for Christ.

I am broken right now.
(Perhaps not in the "no house or food" type of brokenness, but definitely in a deeper and further recessed place in my soul- it's definitely a harder place to be in then I've ever known)
So now I'm waiting... I'm waiting for healing... I'm waiting on the Lord.

I have hope in Him. Hope that His purposes are still strong, His will is still being fulfilled, and His love and life is still flowing.

I know He is the Restorer.

Sorrow may last for a night, but joy comes in the morning.

Oh, how I can't wait for morning...