Saturday, November 05, 2005

IT's already half over...

This weekend is already half over. It's sad really, but hey I guess in order for the future to come the present has to keep proceeding!

Well this is pretty much what today looked like:

Jeni... studied

I... well... you get the picture!

I was culturally inclined and created a pinata. He is pretty cool. He has an earing and a tatoo that says: "I (heart) Mom!" The green piece of paper(on his face) is his stache! His candy was pretty good once we took pictures of them and then slammed them against the wall.

wow... fun

until tomorrow- can't wait

Get filled tomorrow (FYI right now it is tomorrow) Sunday is the Lord's day!
Be strong and encouraged!

1 comment:

Steve vz said...

Wow, I thought they only taught piƱata making in California colleges. I think it’s a required prerequisite out here.