Saturday, February 11, 2006


Return from working all-day with 1st graders
Change out of "teacher" clothes into... college attire
Food? Wildcat? no time... PB&J and carrots
5:00 Meet up with Meghan and David (whom i havn't seen in over a year)
Get in car... direction? no
Be right back... run up stairs... print... 2 1/2 hour drive? nah... were quick
6:00 Half way? uh... no, but we'll just miss the small town bands, we're cool
6:30 Lights? cop? speeding? owe.
Life goes on... we laugh... and enjoy the ride
6:45 Well, the last band is what we wanted to see anyway, right?!?
7:15 Arrive at church... not bad timing, only 15 min. late
Bands ROCKED... Spoken's 10 year anniversary to the day
What a pleasure to share the monumental moment
David got to sing into the mic. twice
We were front and center
We could smell the Taco Bell on the bands breathe
We could see their sweat dripping off
We helped the singer untangle his mic. cord
We all got pictures and signatures of the bands
Trouble with Ferguson, Last Tueday, Staple, and Spoken were all amazing
...smiles all around
hearing GONE
10:45 We finally decide we can leave, get in my blue beretta and go
A couple minutes down one of the roads and three people have flashed their lights at us
R out lights working?... yeah
Man, I wonder whats wrong
Oh, this is a one way street
Wow, thank you Lord for you protection
Donmoyer to Michigan to 31 to 24 to 15
12:30 15... were we on 15 this long?
Why don't the signs say Marion?
Have you seen any gas stations for a while?
nope, why?
we are almost on empty
shouldn't we be in Marion by now?
uh... yeah
That sign said we're in Warsaw
The Marathon is closed?
uh oh- we need gas, like now!
Oh, I think we went the wrong way on 15, we're like and hour away from Marion
Well, Lord help us out here
Do we know anyone form Warsaw
hmmmm... no... well isn't
David Scott?... yeah!
cell... no answer
12:41 david's room... not in dorm... talk to Joe
Do you know anyone is Warsaw uh... Another number?...
Loose reception...
No one answers other number...
Hey, I have David's Mom's cell- what? why? How?, well yeah... that's God 4 ya
12:51 Mrs. Scott- yeah, remember me- we have no gas
Gas stations are closed
You have gas! Wow, yeah thats God 4 ya!
Is that her, no. There she is, no. That... no.
God are you laughing with us right now.
How many people turn by the Marathon at 1:00 in the morning...
in a town where there is nothing open?
There she is...
1:12 Hug Mrs. Scott- THANK YOU so much
you were still up... wow
Thank you so much, your AMAZING
Thanks Again- BYE
1:30 On 15 again, the right direction
What was that?
A paper bag...
Do paper bags make that noise when you hit them?
uh... no
We KILLED thumper
Are you sure it wasn't a small white dog or cat
no... oh... okay
1:45 What was that?
A squirrel
stupid rodents
at least that one made it out alive
2:15 Gas... full tank... just in case
Call Reed, oh, no curfew... sweet
So that was interesting... want to go to Steak and Shake?
Why not?
2:30 Two brownie sundaes, chili, and a hamburger
Write down details of nights events... long list
3:00 Arrive at Indiana Wesleyan University
Well... that was a fun night... nice hanging out with you... nice meeting you

Through it all... GOOD Music (check out Hawk Nelson and The Wedding... they're awesome... may be some of my new favorite bands), GOOD Humor, GOOD People, GOOD Laughing, and a GREAT BIG GOOD GOD!!! Hey just pray, it works... and you may even see God's humor thru it all!

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