Saturday, October 14, 2006

purity unlike we've thought

In the blog below I wrote out this sweet story I heard the other night at World Christian Fellowship. I know it was long, but how amazing this man's sacrifice is.

The funny thing is this guy who became a christian in prison didn't even understand why he loved this women so much. He also didn't understand why he would want to wait for her. He explained his perdicament to the missionary and she explained it was because of the Lord.

You see God is so pure that we can't but help it but to be so as well. Obviously, this is not always the case for all Christian, but for this man it was true. He was never taught directly that he had to love the mother of his children, he was never told the he would be a BAD person for marrying a different women. Yet, he holds out. He wont even kiss, or hold hands, or do anything else with this women, until she marries him.

And though she has left him at the altar, after he has paid this incredibly high price, he still longs for the day that he will be united with her.

In one sense it makes me SICK to think that the level of purity that we hold in most churches in the U.S. is very low if existant at all.
How far is too far?
Well, we didn't actually do anything really bad.
Things like this make me sick.
Not because I think all Christians should be HOLY and RIGHTEOUS and if you don't your going to hell... that is the opposite of what I am saying. I am saying GOd has done sooooo much for us and He loves us so much, but we don't feel this has any direct correlation to exactly how we should live.

We are the bride of Christ. He has called on us. He has paid the price and yet we deny Him. All He wants to do is love us, and yet He stands at the altar waiting.

So, maybe you think this is extreme in thought, but is reality... how true is it?

As a part of the body of Christ we should be reflecting the purity of the one that lives within us. Yet, honoring the Lord with every part of our life seems to be too much for some of us. Being different from the world in everything just seems a little too extreme. But explain to me this- how will we be recognized as different if we never become different? How will the world know we have something more, if we never do?

Hang out with Him, cos when you do you'll become like Him!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...