So this last Monday was CRAZY (not today... last monday). First I had planned a surprise party for Jeni's Birthday and I got an email about a choir that was coming from Bethlehem Bible College (now most people thought this was a college fo singers form the US, but they were actually from the real BETHLEHEM- like where Jesus was born), and they did an amazing job. They first did worship songs in Arabic and then they told us about their country and what is going on there right now, then they showed us their "competitive cultural folklore dance." It was AWESOME! Well, afterwards as couple of the girls and I talked with one of the Christain Palestinians named Reina and they invited us to come to their hotel and hang out. Problem- I had planned Jeni's Bday party, so I wouldn't be able to go- bummer deal- right... well
At about 9:45 the girls I had gone to the concert with busted into our townhouse and tried to kidknap me to going to the hotel with them- it was a big scene, but don't worry I warded them off, and they had to expalin to everyone what was going on... then we thought about it and decided- when will er ever have another chance to hang out with Christian Palestinians in our life... so all 10 of us loaded up in two vehicles and headed to the hotel to have an amazing time learning about the people, their dances, their homes (we even saw some pictures), and what they do to have fun.
All in all- we had a blast and Jeni says her birthday could not have been cooler, well besides the fact that she received a pink "Cutie" hat from our long time friends Joe, David, and Jared.
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