Sunday, September 04, 2005


Wow, this is one of the first posts I have actually written before midnight my time(they are labeled with NV time). Its early man! I've just felt a little funny lately- I can't really explain why, cuz I don't know. But everything has been going just fine. Jeni (my roommate) will come tomorrow to move in. It'll be fun to get all set up together. I have been working on our wall decorations, quotes, pictures, and A LOT of MAPS. Our theme is "Around the World", because that is where both of our hearts are. I both want to go into all the world and take Jesus to everyone we meet (I know typical Christian answer), but NO, like we really do have a passion for it.

I went to God's House(name of the church, not the cliche) this morning, it was good. It was nice just praising Him, ya know- I love it!!!!

Then tonight I went on a walk and got some pictures by night. It was pretty cool, I'll post a few here. Anyway, I'm gonna finish working on these wall decs, then have a little devotion time so I will ttyl. I love ya! Smooch (I blew you a kiss- please catch it)!!!

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