Monday, September 19, 2005


Today in class one of the questions posed by my awesome professor was "How would our lives change if we were at war?" This questions has many implications. The first thing you must do is ask what would the answer be if you were physically at war- you. What would you different? What would change? The second part we looked at from the churches perspective. How would the church be different if we were at war?These were are class conclusions:
- there would be alot more prayer
- there would be a whole lot more unity... trivial questions wouldn't be problems...less denominational squabbles for sure!
- You would equip yourself daily- reading the word, putting on armor
- You would have strtegic plans in defeating the enemy and you would work together with those around you to accomplish your task.
- there would be a lot more sacrificing for the cause of Christ

Well, the reality is... we are in war. We are in a spiritual battle and yet we DON'T act like it at all. Would I be the soildier you'd want fighting next to you if I don't even act like we are in war. It was an awesome discussion time. It's a missions class and we also talked about the fact that Christ has called us to die- both phyically and spiritually- that's another whole topic though. The following words are also from Summit week- they are words that you can say to help you remember you are a mighty warrior- fighting in the battle of ages.

I am not an innocent bystander.
I am a threat to my enemy.
I am powerful.
I am strategic, and bold.
I will not sit idly by.
I will take ground.
I will advance.
I will tear through my enemy
And my enemy will hate me.
I will not avoid the difficult fight.
I will fight.I will be wounded.
I will be targeted and I will flee.
I will not tire, my wounds will be healed.
I will see tragedy and I will feel pain.
But I will be restored.
My feet will not stumble.
My hands will hold fast.
I will not be intimidated.
I cannot be stopped.
I will stand by my brothers in arms.
I will fight until my last breath.
I will push the limits.
I will scale the mountains.
My enemy will cower.
For I serve a great king!

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