Here is a fun holiday survey, with my results and Jeni's (my roomate) both!
1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Hot Chocolate- egg nog can't keep warm
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Sets them under the tree
3. Colored lights on tree/house or white? colored
4. Do you hang mistletoe? Of Course- especially when the boys are around (jk)
5. When do you put your decorations up? The day after Thanksgiving When I go home
6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)? Stuffing
7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child:
My brothers and sister and I fell asleep in our new house down by the tree and in the morning we were surrounded with Christmas presents, I think I even got an Easy bake Oven.
One time I remember asking for a Beauty and the Beast Sleeping Bag and I was aooo amazed because somehoe Santa had put me inside the sleeping bag in the middle of the night.
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa?
My parents told me when I was little, they said Santa is fake, but Jesus is real- just don't tell your cousins.
My Mom had always told me that Saint Nick was a real man, but Santa is more of an idea, like a giving Spirit.
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve?
No- it breaks the rules, unless are given by people outside the family.
Yes- one, its tradition. They are only specific gifts and usually "PJ's" to wear on Christmas day.
10. How do you decorate your Christmas Tree?
Family decorations, complete with childhood ornaments and lots of lights and garland.
11. Snow! Love it or Dread it? Love it! I have an amazing urge to go skiing!
12. Can you ice skate? have you ever fallen on the ice? Yes, and yes- too many times
13. Do you remember your favorite gift?
The Barbie Ice Cream Maker, Easy Bake Oven, and Wood Burner Kit
The Beauty and the Beast Sleeping Bag, Season Ski Pass, and coming home!
14. What's the most important thing about the Holidays for you?
The Presents... Just Joking- the hot chocolate
Pranking people and buying anonymous gifts
Spending time with friends and family and ... celebrating the birth of Christ
15. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert? My Mom's T-ring My Mom's Monkey Bread
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition?
Watching White Christmas- and since college started hanging out in my PJ's
Waking up from 4-6 in the morning to go and open stockings w/ the kids
17. What tops your tree? Angel
18. Which do you prefer giving or Receiving?
RECEIVING... Just kidding...Jeni and I specialize in "special giving"
19. What is your favorite Christmas Song? I won't forget the Christmas by Plus One
Any Christmas song my Michael Buble
We Three Kings
20. Candy Canes! Yuck or Yum?
YUM- I love peppermint, I just wish they were soft sometimes
Attempting to remain consumed- Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength...
Monday, December 04, 2006
Thursday, November 30, 2006
O-Zone - Dragostea Din Tei
This is a hilarious Romanian video... very enjoyable! Not Christian... but hilarious! |
Saturday, November 18, 2006
I am a bondslave of the most high God,
whose agenda is to redeem a lost world.
I recognize a battle for souls is raging and
that I have an important part to play in it.
I embrace my calling as a minister of reconcilition, an ambassador, and a warrior.
I recognize my call to be bold in spirit yet tender in manner.
I will not rest in building my Lord's Kingdom.
I will use the gifts He has given me.
I will remain in His service all of the days of my life.
and then words from the experienced came...
“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.”-Jim Elliot
whose agenda is to redeem a lost world.
I recognize a battle for souls is raging and
that I have an important part to play in it.
I embrace my calling as a minister of reconcilition, an ambassador, and a warrior.
I recognize my call to be bold in spirit yet tender in manner.
I will not rest in building my Lord's Kingdom.
I will use the gifts He has given me.
I will remain in His service all of the days of my life.
and then words from the experienced came...
“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.”-Jim Elliot
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Check out this amazing video!
The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted church is next Sunday.
What are you doing to encourage your brothers and sisters in chains?
Will you pray?
The Martyrs - Jesus Freaks - Sermon on the Mount
Add to My Profile More Videos
The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted church is next Sunday.
What are you doing to encourage your brothers and sisters in chains?
Will you pray?
The Martyrs - Jesus Freaks - Sermon on the Mount
Add to My Profile More Videos
Monday, November 06, 2006
Party with Palestinians

At about 9:45 the girls I had gone to the concert with busted into our townhouse and tried to kidknap me to going to the hotel with them- it was a big scene, but don't worry I warded them off, and they had to expalin to everyone what was going on... then we thought about it and decided- when will er ever have another chance to hang out with Christian Palestinians in our life... so all 10 of us loaded up in two vehicles and headed to the hotel to have an amazing time learning about the people, their dances, their homes (we even saw some pictures), and what they do to have fun.
All in all- we had a blast and Jeni says her birthday could not have been cooler, well besides the fact that she received a pink "Cutie" hat from our long time friends Joe, David, and Jared.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
sometimes i just get frustrated
why do all the little things roll off easy somedays and other days... they just don't
I honestly think that had anger earlier today at an unhealthy level
because I was being treated like a stupid child who doesn't know what responsibility is or how to email for that fact
i know who i am, so why does this type of thing anger me so?
Lord help me.
teach me.
I don't understand, but God please let me be the servant and the Lover that above all else shows and shines for you...
why do all the little things roll off easy somedays and other days... they just don't
I honestly think that had anger earlier today at an unhealthy level
because I was being treated like a stupid child who doesn't know what responsibility is or how to email for that fact
i know who i am, so why does this type of thing anger me so?
Lord help me.
teach me.
I don't understand, but God please let me be the servant and the Lover that above all else shows and shines for you...
Saturday, October 14, 2006
purity unlike we've thought
In the blog below I wrote out this sweet story I heard the other night at World Christian Fellowship. I know it was long, but how amazing this man's sacrifice is.
The funny thing is this guy who became a christian in prison didn't even understand why he loved this women so much. He also didn't understand why he would want to wait for her. He explained his perdicament to the missionary and she explained it was because of the Lord.
You see God is so pure that we can't but help it but to be so as well. Obviously, this is not always the case for all Christian, but for this man it was true. He was never taught directly that he had to love the mother of his children, he was never told the he would be a BAD person for marrying a different women. Yet, he holds out. He wont even kiss, or hold hands, or do anything else with this women, until she marries him.
And though she has left him at the altar, after he has paid this incredibly high price, he still longs for the day that he will be united with her.
In one sense it makes me SICK to think that the level of purity that we hold in most churches in the U.S. is very low if existant at all.
How far is too far?
Well, we didn't actually do anything really bad.
Things like this make me sick.
Not because I think all Christians should be HOLY and RIGHTEOUS and if you don't your going to hell... that is the opposite of what I am saying. I am saying GOd has done sooooo much for us and He loves us so much, but we don't feel this has any direct correlation to exactly how we should live.
We are the bride of Christ. He has called on us. He has paid the price and yet we deny Him. All He wants to do is love us, and yet He stands at the altar waiting.
So, maybe you think this is extreme in thought, but is reality... how true is it?
As a part of the body of Christ we should be reflecting the purity of the one that lives within us. Yet, honoring the Lord with every part of our life seems to be too much for some of us. Being different from the world in everything just seems a little too extreme. But explain to me this- how will we be recognized as different if we never become different? How will the world know we have something more, if we never do?
Hang out with Him, cos when you do you'll become like Him!
The funny thing is this guy who became a christian in prison didn't even understand why he loved this women so much. He also didn't understand why he would want to wait for her. He explained his perdicament to the missionary and she explained it was because of the Lord.
You see God is so pure that we can't but help it but to be so as well. Obviously, this is not always the case for all Christian, but for this man it was true. He was never taught directly that he had to love the mother of his children, he was never told the he would be a BAD person for marrying a different women. Yet, he holds out. He wont even kiss, or hold hands, or do anything else with this women, until she marries him.
And though she has left him at the altar, after he has paid this incredibly high price, he still longs for the day that he will be united with her.
In one sense it makes me SICK to think that the level of purity that we hold in most churches in the U.S. is very low if existant at all.
How far is too far?
Well, we didn't actually do anything really bad.
Things like this make me sick.
Not because I think all Christians should be HOLY and RIGHTEOUS and if you don't your going to hell... that is the opposite of what I am saying. I am saying GOd has done sooooo much for us and He loves us so much, but we don't feel this has any direct correlation to exactly how we should live.
We are the bride of Christ. He has called on us. He has paid the price and yet we deny Him. All He wants to do is love us, and yet He stands at the altar waiting.
So, maybe you think this is extreme in thought, but is reality... how true is it?
As a part of the body of Christ we should be reflecting the purity of the one that lives within us. Yet, honoring the Lord with every part of our life seems to be too much for some of us. Being different from the world in everything just seems a little too extreme. But explain to me this- how will we be recognized as different if we never become different? How will the world know we have something more, if we never do?
Hang out with Him, cos when you do you'll become like Him!
to do things in purity
He was a bad man
just a normal part of his life
Good? or Bad?
3 days into being in Prison
He finds something
something he would have never found outside
Prison life is hard
He lives in the second most violent prison in the country
On average 17 men a day die
in this prison
But there is a Bible Institute
He changes
He loves
He hopes
He knows the Truth
14 years later
He's out
The first thing he wants to do: is marry the Mother of his children
He loves her soooooooooooo much
He's not exactly sure why... but he loves her
She denies him
Yet, he is persistent
Yet, he waits
It doesn't make sense
He has been in prison for a VERY long time
but he has decided that he will not do anything
until he marries his love
He asks her again
Denying himself any pleasure
Anything she wants to give him right now
He says... I want to marry you
She agrees
In Colombia in order to "legally" marry
the husband must first present to the money to the courts
an outrageous amount of money
When accepted he must them bring in the bride
To make the commitment final
He pays
He calls on his bride to come
She does not answer his call
Time is up... the money is lost
Once again he finds his bride
O, how he loves her
Please, marry me
I love you
Wont you love me?
she agrees
He pays
He calls on his bride to come
She does not answer his call
Yet he still waits... he waits on his bride
He has no option but to remain pure
He will not give up
No matter how long he must wait
He will continue to pay and continue to wait
He was a bad man
just a normal part of his life
Good? or Bad?
3 days into being in Prison
He finds something
something he would have never found outside
Prison life is hard
He lives in the second most violent prison in the country
On average 17 men a day die
in this prison
But there is a Bible Institute
He changes
He loves
He hopes
He knows the Truth
14 years later
He's out
The first thing he wants to do: is marry the Mother of his children
He loves her soooooooooooo much
He's not exactly sure why... but he loves her
She denies him
Yet, he is persistent
Yet, he waits
It doesn't make sense
He has been in prison for a VERY long time
but he has decided that he will not do anything
until he marries his love
He asks her again
Denying himself any pleasure
Anything she wants to give him right now
He says... I want to marry you
She agrees
In Colombia in order to "legally" marry
the husband must first present to the money to the courts
an outrageous amount of money
When accepted he must them bring in the bride
To make the commitment final
He pays
He calls on his bride to come
She does not answer his call
Time is up... the money is lost
Once again he finds his bride
O, how he loves her
Please, marry me
I love you
Wont you love me?
she agrees
He pays
He calls on his bride to come
She does not answer his call
Yet he still waits... he waits on his bride
He has no option but to remain pure
He will not give up
No matter how long he must wait
He will continue to pay and continue to wait
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
To glorify God...
So today I had a nice conversation with the Lord, because I was confused about the way things happen sometimes. The way that some people die... and it doesn't seem like they should, or others live and are healed of miniscule problems that they could have lived with... because, you see, I know that my God is AMAZING and ALL POWERFUL, but in those times when things just don't seem right, I feel as if it just doesn't calculate properly.
So today in chapel a girl spoke of how her brother (BJ), 15 years old, who died last year after acquiring a disease on a mission trip in Peru. It was sad to say the least. Obviously my mind thinks- wow, if God would have healed him, God would have been glorified in the process. I continued thinking in this manner because this young man in just the two summers he had gone on mission trips had been obedient to the Lord and seen people come to the Lord, how many more people could have come to know the Lord, as their personal savior, if he were still here today?
So as I walked back to my townhouse, I just felt unsettled. But that is when the Lord spoke to me. You see, God is all powerful and He knows the plans He has... and in the end He WILL BE GLORIFIED. No matter how rank things look, no matter how impossibly against the will of God things may seem- He WILL be GLORIFIED! You see, this young man was a great evangelist, but God knows that through the death of BJ that 29 more great evangelist now have committed themselves to the cause for Christ after seeing the courage that BJ had in knowing and trusting that no matter what happened to him and his life- that God would be glorified. He wasn't worried about himself, but rather that God would be glorified through him in the best way possible, and God remained faithful!
This is still something that I totally don't understand, but I do have more peace about circumstances like this... yeah I still question and seek to know answers, but that is what is so cool about my God- He answers me when I call, and meets me when I seek Him. Don't forget to that this week... seek Him, call on Him, and just spend time with Him!
So today in chapel a girl spoke of how her brother (BJ), 15 years old, who died last year after acquiring a disease on a mission trip in Peru. It was sad to say the least. Obviously my mind thinks- wow, if God would have healed him, God would have been glorified in the process. I continued thinking in this manner because this young man in just the two summers he had gone on mission trips had been obedient to the Lord and seen people come to the Lord, how many more people could have come to know the Lord, as their personal savior, if he were still here today?
So as I walked back to my townhouse, I just felt unsettled. But that is when the Lord spoke to me. You see, God is all powerful and He knows the plans He has... and in the end He WILL BE GLORIFIED. No matter how rank things look, no matter how impossibly against the will of God things may seem- He WILL be GLORIFIED! You see, this young man was a great evangelist, but God knows that through the death of BJ that 29 more great evangelist now have committed themselves to the cause for Christ after seeing the courage that BJ had in knowing and trusting that no matter what happened to him and his life- that God would be glorified. He wasn't worried about himself, but rather that God would be glorified through him in the best way possible, and God remained faithful!
This is still something that I totally don't understand, but I do have more peace about circumstances like this... yeah I still question and seek to know answers, but that is what is so cool about my God- He answers me when I call, and meets me when I seek Him. Don't forget to that this week... seek Him, call on Him, and just spend time with Him!
Sunday, September 17, 2006
annoyed... but no offense continued
back up a few seconds...
so i read the prayer chapter
thought it was amazing
totally agreed
but was surprised
especially b/c i find conflicting views of prayer among my friends and collegues when it comes to prayer, it just seems to be viewed differently then i have been raised to view it, so i wondered have i actually viewed it the same as most of the christians i know all this time and i was just mislead?
but then i go to class
and the opposite is the response in which the people in my class seemed to have
the main response is that the way they have experienced prayer doesn't align with the way the book portrays prayer
they said it seemed hard to pray
hard to have faith to pray
none of the amazing quotes that i highlighted and underlined actually came up for discussion, i didn't know how to respond
should i comment that i knew exactly what the author was talking about?
would i then look conceded?
but were my worries worth my friends not being encouraged to dixcover the prayer that the author spoke of... so i talked
i told of my experience with prayer
how God speaks
how He tells us what His will is
and in turn we have nothing but faith even in the midst of nopthing but discouragement we have this totally insane peace and knowing
i used the example of Talin this summer
and how the Lord told me He would 100%
in my mind i disagreed with my faith
he can't have "no effects" after drowning in the pool... but how wrong was I proved and how happy i am that i was proved wrong... it was an extreme story, but God is extreme and prayer is too...
5 minutes blue in water
given cpr
care flight
possible brain damage
definite lung damage
2 week minimum stay
open eyes
doctors confused
24hours later
leaving hospital
It was God alone
it was not my prayer
but because I knew what the outcome would be I had an amazing encouraging prayer and posture and in turn was able to stand in faith along side the family whose hope was not as high
God is the Healer
Blessed be the name of the Lord.
Yet, prayer does have power
it changes things
and if we don't believe that we don't understand the power that He has now entrusted us with as His body
Not only that but it should be enjoyable and amazing
This is not the only mention of prayer that I have heard lately in this manner. The other day I heard someone speaking of prayer in the same manner as those in my class.
not enjoyable
fall asleep
just religious
my heart hurt as I heard these sincere comments on the ever close topic of prayer
in the opposite manner i heard someone speak of the type of faith prayer they had
they said they don't feel need to pray before a meal because they already did it once why do it again- they knew God had blessed all the food that they eat
once again
my heart hurt
what is this misconception of prayer
People I love, I love to hang out with
People I admire, I love to sit and listen to
People I need, I embrace and talk to as often as possible
living far from home I call home to my mom and dad and sister and youth pastor and friends weekly wishing it could be daily
When at home that all I do- be with these people
God is here
He is present
He is waiting to hear form us
He wants to speak to us
He wants to embrace us
Whether it is before we eat a meal and bow our heads monotonously one more time
Or see rain drop find a path down the window and watch in awe
Why not take advantage of every moment
Prayer is vital
Its the only chill time that we will ever have that will have such an amazing impact on the WORLD... why don't we treat it that way?
I just wasnt to know Him more
I just want the world to see Him
I just want them to find the Hope that He has given me
Why is it so difficult?
Why don't we get it?
so i read the prayer chapter
thought it was amazing
totally agreed
but was surprised
especially b/c i find conflicting views of prayer among my friends and collegues when it comes to prayer, it just seems to be viewed differently then i have been raised to view it, so i wondered have i actually viewed it the same as most of the christians i know all this time and i was just mislead?
but then i go to class
and the opposite is the response in which the people in my class seemed to have
the main response is that the way they have experienced prayer doesn't align with the way the book portrays prayer
they said it seemed hard to pray
hard to have faith to pray
none of the amazing quotes that i highlighted and underlined actually came up for discussion, i didn't know how to respond
should i comment that i knew exactly what the author was talking about?
would i then look conceded?
but were my worries worth my friends not being encouraged to dixcover the prayer that the author spoke of... so i talked
i told of my experience with prayer
how God speaks
how He tells us what His will is
and in turn we have nothing but faith even in the midst of nopthing but discouragement we have this totally insane peace and knowing
i used the example of Talin this summer
and how the Lord told me He would 100%
in my mind i disagreed with my faith
he can't have "no effects" after drowning in the pool... but how wrong was I proved and how happy i am that i was proved wrong... it was an extreme story, but God is extreme and prayer is too...
5 minutes blue in water
given cpr
care flight
possible brain damage
definite lung damage
2 week minimum stay
open eyes
doctors confused
24hours later
leaving hospital
It was God alone
it was not my prayer
but because I knew what the outcome would be I had an amazing encouraging prayer and posture and in turn was able to stand in faith along side the family whose hope was not as high
God is the Healer
Blessed be the name of the Lord.
Yet, prayer does have power
it changes things
and if we don't believe that we don't understand the power that He has now entrusted us with as His body
Not only that but it should be enjoyable and amazing
This is not the only mention of prayer that I have heard lately in this manner. The other day I heard someone speaking of prayer in the same manner as those in my class.
not enjoyable
fall asleep
just religious
my heart hurt as I heard these sincere comments on the ever close topic of prayer
in the opposite manner i heard someone speak of the type of faith prayer they had
they said they don't feel need to pray before a meal because they already did it once why do it again- they knew God had blessed all the food that they eat
once again
my heart hurt
what is this misconception of prayer
People I love, I love to hang out with
People I admire, I love to sit and listen to
People I need, I embrace and talk to as often as possible
living far from home I call home to my mom and dad and sister and youth pastor and friends weekly wishing it could be daily
When at home that all I do- be with these people
God is here
He is present
He is waiting to hear form us
He wants to speak to us
He wants to embrace us
Whether it is before we eat a meal and bow our heads monotonously one more time
Or see rain drop find a path down the window and watch in awe
Why not take advantage of every moment
Prayer is vital
Its the only chill time that we will ever have that will have such an amazing impact on the WORLD... why don't we treat it that way?
I just wasnt to know Him more
I just want the world to see Him
I just want them to find the Hope that He has given me
Why is it so difficult?
Why don't we get it?
Saturday, September 16, 2006
annoyed... but no offense
in one of my classes we are reading the book Celebration of Disciplines by Richard J. Foster. As I read through the third chapter my heart became overjoyed as I read about the type of real prayer that I knew, prayer with the Great One Mighty God of the Universe who actually listens, reveals His will, that then combined with faith compassion and expectation on our part becomes real change in this world. things actually happen when we pray. God changes the future as we seek Him and pray to Him. He says in John 15:7 it says "If you abide in me, and my words in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you." I was so excited to read this chapter and then have the oppurtunity to discuss it.
similar feelings were not shared with my classmates
their first response was that prayer was not this way
more to come...
i've got to go...
similar feelings were not shared with my classmates
their first response was that prayer was not this way
more to come...
i've got to go...
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
i don't know
at this point in time, i just don't know
someone asked me today
how is it
and i simply have to say
i don't know
life is not bad
but i can't say life is incredibly exciting
i can say God is good
but that is it
i don't know where i am going
but He does
i don't know how i will make it
but He does
i don't have the strength to go on
but He does
i don't have the love to share to all those around
but He does
i don't understand what is going on in the world
but He does
i don't know how to change the world
but He does
i'm so glad He does, especially when i don't
someone asked me today
how is it
and i simply have to say
i don't know
life is not bad
but i can't say life is incredibly exciting
i can say God is good
but that is it
i don't know where i am going
but He does
i don't know how i will make it
but He does
i don't have the strength to go on
but He does
i don't have the love to share to all those around
but He does
i don't understand what is going on in the world
but He does
i don't know how to change the world
but He does
i'm so glad He does, especially when i don't
only Him
i have completed the first week of student teaching in kindergarten
in this place i see the need for love
and i love as best is professionally allowed
but is that enough
i see their faces light up
as they can finally spell there name
after seeing the "trick" to writing an "e" to finish their name
i see their faces light up as they finally
can finish a puzzle on their own
i told them they could- they just didn't believe it
but that is not enough
they need that love
that only He can offer
they need the strength to go on
knowing they can do anything
that only He can offer
so what can i do
i teach them how to tie their shoes
i sing with them songs about colors
and shine as best as i can to show them they need
what else can i do
in this place i see the need for love
and i love as best is professionally allowed
but is that enough
i see their faces light up
as they can finally spell there name
after seeing the "trick" to writing an "e" to finish their name
i see their faces light up as they finally
can finish a puzzle on their own
i told them they could- they just didn't believe it
but that is not enough
they need that love
that only He can offer
they need the strength to go on
knowing they can do anything
that only He can offer
so what can i do
i teach them how to tie their shoes
i sing with them songs about colors
and shine as best as i can to show them they need
what else can i do
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Part of a superchick song... stuck in my head
"this is my last verse and its for everyone feeling not so great today.
We don't know what's coming just around the bend.
Always hard to believe in your own life,
its easier to find belief for a friend.
A hope for you and for me and together we can say...
It'll be Okay!"
friends are so worth having
We don't know what's coming just around the bend.
Always hard to believe in your own life,
its easier to find belief for a friend.
A hope for you and for me and together we can say...
It'll be Okay!"
friends are so worth having
Monday, August 21, 2006
They hate you.
Yesterday I was talking with someone about wanting to go to the middle east and learning the language and culture and you know just being a light, when the person I was talking to said... "why? you know that they hate you, right?"
This question has thus been one I have been pondering... not in a good or bad way persay, just pondering- you know.
The thing is, is that I know that to an extent it is true... yet at the same time I know that I love the people, and frankly I don't really care that they! Because they don't even know me, which I think exactly correlates with Christianity as well. More than just people of other religions, but even people who at one time called themselves Christians... some say that they hate God, but they don't even know Him, and yet He loves them because they are His children. The cool thing is that only being in a relationship with God will fill that eternity gap within their being, so not matter what people do to try and feel complete, they wont until they find Him and His love and truly become THE Beloved.
So, why do I want to go to a place where it is said they hate me? Again, as I typed that, I thought of Christ... Could you imagine Christ in the days leading up to Him going down to the earth, think of the critical angels(yeah right, I'm sure they didn't think like this- but its kind of entertaining to think about)
Angel: "Dude, Jesus, why do you have to go- especially down there? You know they hate you right? You know they are just going to kill you, spit on you, and even those you call friends will deny you..."
Jesus: "Yeah, but their my brothers, and I love them. What am I supposed to do, just let them go to hell? I don't care what they do to me as long as they realize what they're missing out on and they know that Dad's just waiting for them to come home... Besides you realize that death can't hold me down, right? I get to RISE UP... man that'll be cool, can you imagine the look on those people's faces- ha... it'll be sweet!"
Okay, so I doubt they talk like that or ever had a conversation like that, but if you think about it its kind of true...
AND Matthew 25:14 says "And this gospel will be preached in ALL the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come." MAN, I want to go home... riding on the clouds at the trumpets call... so I'm gonna do something about it... I'm going to help preach the this gospel to ALL the world and just in case you didn't know the 10/40 on a map is the area in which there are the most unreached people IN the entire world... So that's were I'm going to go- whether they hate me and my God or not... when they really get to know us... I know they'll love us!
So these were just my thoughts for today... Right now I'm looking out my window at a parked white van with someone in it.... thats kind of weird... anyway, as you can tell I'm not staying focused very well, but if anyone reads this if you don't understand or think I'm crazy- it's okay with me, but if you would like clarification, let me know... I like talking, especially about Jesus!
This question has thus been one I have been pondering... not in a good or bad way persay, just pondering- you know.
The thing is, is that I know that to an extent it is true... yet at the same time I know that I love the people, and frankly I don't really care that they! Because they don't even know me, which I think exactly correlates with Christianity as well. More than just people of other religions, but even people who at one time called themselves Christians... some say that they hate God, but they don't even know Him, and yet He loves them because they are His children. The cool thing is that only being in a relationship with God will fill that eternity gap within their being, so not matter what people do to try and feel complete, they wont until they find Him and His love and truly become THE Beloved.
So, why do I want to go to a place where it is said they hate me? Again, as I typed that, I thought of Christ... Could you imagine Christ in the days leading up to Him going down to the earth, think of the critical angels(yeah right, I'm sure they didn't think like this- but its kind of entertaining to think about)
Angel: "Dude, Jesus, why do you have to go- especially down there? You know they hate you right? You know they are just going to kill you, spit on you, and even those you call friends will deny you..."
Jesus: "Yeah, but their my brothers, and I love them. What am I supposed to do, just let them go to hell? I don't care what they do to me as long as they realize what they're missing out on and they know that Dad's just waiting for them to come home... Besides you realize that death can't hold me down, right? I get to RISE UP... man that'll be cool, can you imagine the look on those people's faces- ha... it'll be sweet!"
Okay, so I doubt they talk like that or ever had a conversation like that, but if you think about it its kind of true...
AND Matthew 25:14 says "And this gospel will be preached in ALL the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come." MAN, I want to go home... riding on the clouds at the trumpets call... so I'm gonna do something about it... I'm going to help preach the this gospel to ALL the world and just in case you didn't know the 10/40 on a map is the area in which there are the most unreached people IN the entire world... So that's were I'm going to go- whether they hate me and my God or not... when they really get to know us... I know they'll love us!
So these were just my thoughts for today... Right now I'm looking out my window at a parked white van with someone in it.... thats kind of weird... anyway, as you can tell I'm not staying focused very well, but if anyone reads this if you don't understand or think I'm crazy- it's okay with me, but if you would like clarification, let me know... I like talking, especially about Jesus!
Sunday, August 20, 2006
At School...
So I have returned to the WU... right now it is very quiet as not very many people are here yet, but I find it very relaxing. This summer wasn't uptight or anything, but I enjoy having the chill time with the Lord, the uncluttered and uneventful times just chillaxin' you know. I like it. I do miss my family and friends already, but as most of you know this will be my last year here, the senior- I know... bittersweet. So, what then you may ask, well, I am asking the same question, but not with anxiousness, I know this is where the Lord has brought me thus far and I have no reason in my entire thinking to doubt the one and only faithful One! So now, we may ask Him together what's next for Kallie? Some have given me suggestions, but so far the Lord has not confirmed or denied any such planning of any sort. I say "well, I have loans to pay off," but then He reminds me that He is not only the God of the heavens and earth but also of my finances, so all of my options are wide open. All I know is that He is good and following His ways thus far have not been disappointing one bit. Man, I love knowing the Lord, it is just refreshing that I don't have to worry about what life holds, because I know the One who holds life. Peace just over whelms me as I think of what an amazing God I have and that He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that I can ask or think... aahh I like that!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
sweet prayer...

against burning,
against drowning,
against wounding,
so that there may come to me abundance of reward,
Christ with me,
Christ before me,
Christ behind me,
Christ in me,
Christ beneath me,
Christ above me,
Christ on my right,
Christ on my left,
Christ when I lie down,
Christ when I arise,
Christ in the quiet,
Christ in danger,
Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of every man who speaks of me,
Christ in the every eye that sees me,
Christ in every ear that hears me!"
(Ireland's Missionary aka saint patrick)
Monday, May 15, 2006
I am eating leftover potato casserole right now at school... God bless Roomate's Family (leftover suppliers). Besides that, this is the dl:
study for class and clep
take clep
go to class
go on an amazing weekend "picture" extraveganza with Jeni!
hmmm... life is so interesting sometimes...
study for class and clep
take clep
go to class
go on an amazing weekend "picture" extraveganza with Jeni!
hmmm... life is so interesting sometimes...
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Sad days...
So I had all of these SWEET pictures to share with you, but I couldn't find my cord to get them all off my camera, but then I took my camera with me to a concert and it uh... got stolen... so now it is sad days because you and I can't look at all the sweet pictures I had, man, sometimes it sucks. But its cool, just a little reminder NOT to put too much value in the material things of life... right?!
Anyway, May term has begun, its been pretty fun. It is cool because I have a class I'm taking I'm working, but don't feel like I have even 1/2 the pressure I had during the school year, yikes... am I glad for that!
It's been fun though, I've had the opportunity to hang out with friends alot and with Jeni's family- who extremely cool... yeah, they kind of make fun of me, but honestly- that makes it even more fun... I love sarcasm!
I DO however, miss my family and friends at home quite a bit, but the longer I am away the more awesome the reunion always is! I can't wait to give my Mom a hug, it'll be nice! I seriously am going to live up this Summer for all it has though because... THIS IS MY LAST SUMMER AS A COLLEGE STUDENT!!!! AAAAAAAAH! Isn't that scary? I think so, but I guess it had to happen sometime.
OK, and update on the student teaching thing... I am not student teaching overseas, but wait... its okay. If you would have told me this three months ago I would have said- yeah right! But things were difficult in finding a place to go and everyone else had somewhere to go, yet I didn't, and there was no one to go with me, so this limited my going as well, but then I was asked if I would lead a missions trip and be on WCF (World Christian Fellowship) cabinet. This confirmed for me that these were reasons for me to stay here in the states during spring student teaching. Begin praying about the trip I am leading... I am very excited and can't wait to pour my heart into something as amazing as this!!!!
Anyway, that's about it for now, hopefully I will have some times later to catch up with you (whoever that may be) later... call me- I seriously have time to talk on the phone now!!!!!
KG if fosheezzy fojeezy
Anyway, May term has begun, its been pretty fun. It is cool because I have a class I'm taking I'm working, but don't feel like I have even 1/2 the pressure I had during the school year, yikes... am I glad for that!
It's been fun though, I've had the opportunity to hang out with friends alot and with Jeni's family- who extremely cool... yeah, they kind of make fun of me, but honestly- that makes it even more fun... I love sarcasm!
I DO however, miss my family and friends at home quite a bit, but the longer I am away the more awesome the reunion always is! I can't wait to give my Mom a hug, it'll be nice! I seriously am going to live up this Summer for all it has though because... THIS IS MY LAST SUMMER AS A COLLEGE STUDENT!!!! AAAAAAAAH! Isn't that scary? I think so, but I guess it had to happen sometime.
OK, and update on the student teaching thing... I am not student teaching overseas, but wait... its okay. If you would have told me this three months ago I would have said- yeah right! But things were difficult in finding a place to go and everyone else had somewhere to go, yet I didn't, and there was no one to go with me, so this limited my going as well, but then I was asked if I would lead a missions trip and be on WCF (World Christian Fellowship) cabinet. This confirmed for me that these were reasons for me to stay here in the states during spring student teaching. Begin praying about the trip I am leading... I am very excited and can't wait to pour my heart into something as amazing as this!!!!
Anyway, that's about it for now, hopefully I will have some times later to catch up with you (whoever that may be) later... call me- I seriously have time to talk on the phone now!!!!!
KG if fosheezzy fojeezy
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Harvey Family Picture
I know I have a beautiful family, what can I say, God has blessed us in this area!
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Free at last... or not so much
This semester is FINALLY over... it has been long and sometimes tough... but it was good. THe only thing is that I still am not coming home for about a month... yes, you heard me right. I will be staying here for May Term as well, yeah- but hey I'll be graduating on time- so you can't ask for much more! So this time freshmen year my friends and I were screamingaith DC Talk at the top of our lungs, free at last... now, I'm preparing for my next class... but I will have more free time so that will be nice. Call me sometime and we should catch up! I love you all!
Kallie G.
Kallie G.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
What does it mean?
This is what a sign in our library says... but what does, especially the 3rd one, mean?
Ours to fight for:
Freedom of Speech
Freedom of Religion
Freedom from want
Freedom from fear
What does that mean I should be doing about it?
Ours to fight for:
Freedom of Speech
Freedom of Religion
Freedom from want
Freedom from fear
What does that mean I should be doing about it?
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
my heart sings
Take My Life
------Chris Tomlin
Take my life and let it be
consecrated to Thee.
Take my moments and my days,
let them flow in ceaseless praise.
Take my hands and let them move
at the impulse of Thy love.
Take my feet and let them be
swift and beautiful for Thee.
Take my voice and let me sing
always, only for my King.
Take my lips and let them be
filled with messages from Thee.
Take my silver and my gold
not a mite would I withhold.
Take my intellect and use
every power as You choose.
Here am I, all of me.
Take my life, it's all for Thee.
Take my will and make it Thine
it shall be no longer mine.
Take my heart it is Thine own
it shall be Thy royal throne.
Take my love, my Lord I pour
at Your feet its treasure store
Take myself and I will be
ever, only, all for Thee.
Here am I, all of me.
Take my life, it's all for Thee
(Take my life, Lord take my life. Take all of me)
Here am I, all of me.Take my life, it's all for Thee.
------Chris Tomlin
Take my life and let it be
consecrated to Thee.
Take my moments and my days,
let them flow in ceaseless praise.
Take my hands and let them move
at the impulse of Thy love.
Take my feet and let them be
swift and beautiful for Thee.
Take my voice and let me sing
always, only for my King.
Take my lips and let them be
filled with messages from Thee.
Take my silver and my gold
not a mite would I withhold.
Take my intellect and use
every power as You choose.
Here am I, all of me.
Take my life, it's all for Thee.
Take my will and make it Thine
it shall be no longer mine.
Take my heart it is Thine own
it shall be Thy royal throne.
Take my love, my Lord I pour
at Your feet its treasure store
Take myself and I will be
ever, only, all for Thee.
Here am I, all of me.
Take my life, it's all for Thee
(Take my life, Lord take my life. Take all of me)
Here am I, all of me.Take my life, it's all for Thee.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Great is Thy faithfulness
Great is Thy faithfulness
Morning by morning new mercies I see
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided
Great is Thy faithfulness
Lord unto Thee
Great is Thy faithfulness
Morning by morning new mercies I see
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided
Great is Thy faithfulness
Lord unto Thee
Sometimes His ways are NOT our ways
Although they should be
But His ways are The Way
Man, I wish I would just trust Him the way He is meant to be trusted
I wish I would Hear him the way He should be heard
I wish I could follow Him the way I should follow
He is worthy
He is Faithful
and yet I complain and cry and remain where I am
Lord, let me TRUST You
Let me know You
Let me be Consumed in YOU!
Monday, April 03, 2006
Just Sing
spring .....................................grace
green .......................................peace
and o how beautiful it is ..............and o how beautiful they are
cold ..........................................sinful
but o how beautiful it is ..............but o how beautiful they are
green .......................................peace
and o how beautiful it is ..............and o how beautiful they are
cold ..........................................sinful
but o how beautiful it is ..............but o how beautiful they are
Monday, March 27, 2006
Step by step
Another day... oh how wonderful it is to know that His mercies are new every morning.
Thank you Lord for your grace, for your unfailing love, and the TRUTH that you so wonderfully plant in every breathe that we take. We are your children, we are your hands, we are Yours.
Be with us Lord, let every breathe we take and single thing that we do and think of reflect You!
I love You...
Thank you Lord for your grace, for your unfailing love, and the TRUTH that you so wonderfully plant in every breathe that we take. We are your children, we are your hands, we are Yours.
Be with us Lord, let every breathe we take and single thing that we do and think of reflect You!
I love You...
Quotes from the Lo
"Never let other's small thinking change who you are and will become."
"Do not limit yourself to the way others view you."
"I know what we can do, lets get 100 people together to go and toilet paper their house!"
"Live as closely to others as possible... a simple and incarnational life is what Christ has called us to."
"Hold on to your convictions, you must submit, but that will not change who you are."
The inspiring and gentle words of the wonderful Umfundisi Lo... I'll miss you man!
"Do not limit yourself to the way others view you."
"I know what we can do, lets get 100 people together to go and toilet paper their house!"
"Live as closely to others as possible... a simple and incarnational life is what Christ has called us to."
"Hold on to your convictions, you must submit, but that will not change who you are."
The inspiring and gentle words of the wonderful Umfundisi Lo... I'll miss you man!
Sunday, March 26, 2006
The Lord's Plans...
The Lord’s plans will succeed.
Those who oppose God will fall.
Those who oppose God will fall.
In recent times I have been told by some that there are certain things I "can't" do, or I am not cut out for. In my mind, I have tendencies to argee with these statements. But then, there is this incredible burst in my spirit that says what I am hearing is nothing but a LIE.
My heart has been troubled by these "discouraging" words, but not because they were said, but because they were pointed at the plans that the Lord has set for my life. There are certain undeniable plans that the Lord has set before me that no-thing or person can or ever will stop... no one that, is except me.
The reason these words are so slicing is because I know that when words discourage me, there is something that begins to tear at the TRUTHS that God has put in me. I am the only one that can disrupt the plans of God for my life, but the words of others inevitively will have an effect on me as a human. However, my willingness and obedience will be what makes the final decision in the accomplishment of what God has aligned for me and my future.
So all that to say... the Lord's plan will succeed!
Don't believe the lies that the world and Satan try to sell you. Listen to the words of Christ. You can do it... You are loved... You are healed... and You are Saved!
In the mean time don't worry about the standards and evaluation of those who are around you, but remember... you are not here to please the people of this world, or yourself... but you are to GLORIFY GOD! That's all He wants of you! He never said that people would know you are a Christian by the clothes that you wear or the scriptures that you quote or the big words that you say, but that "they will know you by your fruit." Can people see your fruit? Can they see the Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, and Self-Control flowing from your life? Maybe we should re-think our approach to life...
Oh, how great He is truly is... how amazing is His love... He never FAILS!!!!!!
Trip to Mississippi
Check out my thoughts about my trip to Mississippi on my Missions blog at
There are a lot of things that I am still not quite sure I processed as I have returned from this trip. All we can is pray. Pray that people will be able to go where they are needed, that the church may glorify Him more and more with each day that passes. That the people of Mississippi will not quickly forget about how precious life is... and truly sing to the Lord:
Everyday it's You I live for
Everyday I'll follow after You
Everyday I'll walk with You my Lord
There are a lot of things that I am still not quite sure I processed as I have returned from this trip. All we can is pray. Pray that people will be able to go where they are needed, that the church may glorify Him more and more with each day that passes. That the people of Mississippi will not quickly forget about how precious life is... and truly sing to the Lord:
Everyday it's You I live for
Everyday I'll follow after You
Everyday I'll walk with You my Lord
Friday, March 03, 2006
Going to Mississippi...
So, I think I'm about ready. I've been getting ready all evening to go on the mission trip to MISSISSIPPI! I am quite excited. I don't have any particular expectations, just that this is what God wants us to do, and He will make it amazing! So, I'll let you know what happens. We leave tomorrow morning at 5:30 AM. that is in 5 hours from now. I'm pretty energized... which I wish I was earlier today when I was with 20 first graders, but at least I'll do what I need to do!
Well, keep us all in your prayers!
Leaders: Cat and Phil
Members: Nick, Grant, Autumn, Jocelyn, Marissa, Lauren, and Me (Kallie G.)
I love you all... and you remain in my prayers as well!
Well, keep us all in your prayers!
Leaders: Cat and Phil
Members: Nick, Grant, Autumn, Jocelyn, Marissa, Lauren, and Me (Kallie G.)
I love you all... and you remain in my prayers as well!
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
I'm alive...
There are certain things in life that do an amazing job at reminding me that I'm ALIVE! Today the sun is shining, the air is fresh, and- oh how blue the sky is. For some reason when it is like this outside... I truly feel alive!! Take a breathe of fresh air.
"Its times like these that remind you 'I'm alive'!" -Extreme Days quote as they are jumping off cliffs with snowboards attached to their feet!
I know that if you are in Nevada today it is not quite like this outside... but still, take it in! Remember this truly is the day that the Lord has made, and we could do NOTHING without Him!!
"Its times like these that remind you 'I'm alive'!" -Extreme Days quote as they are jumping off cliffs with snowboards attached to their feet!
I know that if you are in Nevada today it is not quite like this outside... but still, take it in! Remember this truly is the day that the Lord has made, and we could do NOTHING without Him!!
Saturday, February 25, 2006
why be bummed?
Last night we did this fiesta literature night for some kids from a school. IT didn't really go how we wanted it to, and I didn't really see very much benefit from it all, so I ask God- what was the purpose... I put a lot of time and money into something that was crappy... why?
This is what I read this morning in My Upmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers
"Though the more abundantly I love you, the less I be loved."
2 Corinthians 12:15
Natural love expects some return, but Paul says- I do not care whether you love me or not, I am willing to destitute myself completely, not merely for your sakes, but that I may get you to God. "For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor." Pauls idea of service is exactly along that line- I do not care either what extravegence I spend myself, and I will do it gladly. It was a joyful thing to Paul.
The ecclesiastical idea of a servant of God is not Jesus Christ's idea. His idea of a servant of God is that we serve Him by being the servants of other men. Jesus Christ out-socialists the socialists. He says that in His Kingdom he that is greatest shall be the servant of all (and all the Losers get a crown). The real test of the saint is not preaching the gospel, but washing disciples' feet, that is, doing the things that do not count everything in the estimate of God. Paul delighted to spend himself out for God's interest in other people, and he did not care what it cost. We come in with our economical notions- "Suppose God wants me to go there- what about the salary? What about the climate? How shall I be looked after? A man must consider these things." All that is an indication that we are serving God with a saint in his life, viz., not one who proclaims the Gospel merely, but one who becomes broken bread and poured-out wine in the hands of Jesus Christ for other lives.
So long as there is a human being who dies not knowing Jesus Christ I am his debtor to serve him until he does. The mainspring of Pauls service was not for the love of men, but love for Jesus Christ. If we are devoted to the cause of humanity, we shall soon be crushed and broken-hearted, for we shall often meet with more ingratitude from men than we would from a dog; but if our motive is love to God, no ingratitude can hinder us from serving fellow man.
This is what I read this morning in My Upmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers
"Though the more abundantly I love you, the less I be loved."
2 Corinthians 12:15
Natural love expects some return, but Paul says- I do not care whether you love me or not, I am willing to destitute myself completely, not merely for your sakes, but that I may get you to God. "For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor." Pauls idea of service is exactly along that line- I do not care either what extravegence I spend myself, and I will do it gladly. It was a joyful thing to Paul.
The ecclesiastical idea of a servant of God is not Jesus Christ's idea. His idea of a servant of God is that we serve Him by being the servants of other men. Jesus Christ out-socialists the socialists. He says that in His Kingdom he that is greatest shall be the servant of all (and all the Losers get a crown). The real test of the saint is not preaching the gospel, but washing disciples' feet, that is, doing the things that do not count everything in the estimate of God. Paul delighted to spend himself out for God's interest in other people, and he did not care what it cost. We come in with our economical notions- "Suppose God wants me to go there- what about the salary? What about the climate? How shall I be looked after? A man must consider these things." All that is an indication that we are serving God with a saint in his life, viz., not one who proclaims the Gospel merely, but one who becomes broken bread and poured-out wine in the hands of Jesus Christ for other lives.
So long as there is a human being who dies not knowing Jesus Christ I am his debtor to serve him until he does. The mainspring of Pauls service was not for the love of men, but love for Jesus Christ. If we are devoted to the cause of humanity, we shall soon be crushed and broken-hearted, for we shall often meet with more ingratitude from men than we would from a dog; but if our motive is love to God, no ingratitude can hinder us from serving fellow man.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; Your love, O Lord, endures forever!
-Psalms 138:8
I just can't explain Him, or His love. It is like nothing else! When all else appears nasty and messed up or just plain no good- He brings to your heart and soul this indescribable hope that only comes from Him. Then you realizee- this is why He says to trust Him. This is why He is all I need and my all-sufficient Creator. Yeah Lord, Thanks! We appreciate it!
I love you Lord!
-Psalms 138:8
I just can't explain Him, or His love. It is like nothing else! When all else appears nasty and messed up or just plain no good- He brings to your heart and soul this indescribable hope that only comes from Him. Then you realizee- this is why He says to trust Him. This is why He is all I need and my all-sufficient Creator. Yeah Lord, Thanks! We appreciate it!
I love you Lord!
Sunday, February 19, 2006
From Light Force by Brother Andrew:
"I wondered if Christians whould die fighting or live kneeling, and were those the only alternative?" -speaking of our brothers and sisters caught in the Middle East cross-fire.
"He was building up the Light Force." -the army of light
Oh, to bring Hope to the hopeless...
"He was building up the Light Force." -the army of light
Oh, to bring Hope to the hopeless...
Thursday, February 16, 2006
The Rain...
As I was walking back from night class just nowI got totally saturated by a soft, full, and yet pleasantly warm rain.
In my mind I can see your face,
As Your love pours down in a shower of grace.
Some people tell me that your just a dream,
But my faith is the evidence of things unseen.
Is his love saturating you in a shower of grace?
Does it cover every crack and opening that there is?
Can you feel it? Is it enveloping your being and developing you as a light?
Are you drenched yet?
In my mind I can see your face,
As Your love pours down in a shower of grace.
Some people tell me that your just a dream,
But my faith is the evidence of things unseen.
Is his love saturating you in a shower of grace?
Does it cover every crack and opening that there is?
Can you feel it? Is it enveloping your being and developing you as a light?
Are you drenched yet?
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Happy Valentine's Day
Hey could you all pray for me, as Wednesday is my first Observed Lesson in the 1st grade class I am in. I am a tad bit nervous, but I know that God is the one who had called me to this... so as long as I am obedient He will make it happen!
Also pray for IWU this week as it is Missions week and you all know the Mission is why we are here. Pray that the presence of the Lord will be felt this week and Live will be changed and devoted to HIM!!!
I love you guys and HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"You are the one I will always adore, but there is another who love you much more!" Do you know the ONE I am talking abou this week- don't forget LOVE should be our motivation!
Hey could you all pray for me, as Wednesday is my first Observed Lesson in the 1st grade class I am in. I am a tad bit nervous, but I know that God is the one who had called me to this... so as long as I am obedient He will make it happen!
Also pray for IWU this week as it is Missions week and you all know the Mission is why we are here. Pray that the presence of the Lord will be felt this week and Live will be changed and devoted to HIM!!!
I love you guys and HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"You are the one I will always adore, but there is another who love you much more!" Do you know the ONE I am talking abou this week- don't forget LOVE should be our motivation!
Saturday, February 11, 2006
4:40 Return from working all-day with 1st graders
Change out of "teacher" clothes into... college attire
Food? Wildcat? no time... PB&J and carrots
5:00 Meet up with Meghan and David (whom i havn't seen in over a year)
Get in car... direction? no
Be right back... run up stairs... print... 2 1/2 hour drive? nah... were quick
6:00 Half way? uh... no, but we'll just miss the small town bands, we're cool
6:30 Lights? cop? speeding? owe.
Life goes on... we laugh... and enjoy the ride
6:45 Well, the last band is what we wanted to see anyway, right?!?
7:15 Arrive at church... not bad timing, only 15 min. late
Bands ROCKED... Spoken's 10 year anniversary to the day
What a pleasure to share the monumental moment
David got to sing into the mic. twice
We were front and center
We could smell the Taco Bell on the bands breathe
We could see their sweat dripping off
We helped the singer untangle his mic. cord
We all got pictures and signatures of the bands
Trouble with Ferguson, Last Tueday, Staple, and Spoken were all amazing
...smiles all around
hearing GONE
10:45 We finally decide we can leave, get in my blue beretta and go
A couple minutes down one of the roads and three people have flashed their lights at us
R out lights working?... yeah
Man, I wonder whats wrong
Oh, this is a one way street
Wow, thank you Lord for you protection
Donmoyer to Michigan to 31 to 24 to 15
12:30 15... were we on 15 this long?
Why don't the signs say Marion?
Have you seen any gas stations for a while?
nope, why?
we are almost on empty
shouldn't we be in Marion by now?
uh... yeah
That sign said we're in Warsaw
The Marathon is closed?
uh oh- we need gas, like now!
Oh, I think we went the wrong way on 15, we're like and hour away from Marion
Well, Lord help us out here
Do we know anyone form Warsaw
hmmmm... no... well isn't
David Scott?... yeah!
cell... no answer
12:41 david's room... not in dorm... talk to Joe
Do you know anyone is Warsaw uh... Another number?...
Loose reception...
No one answers other number...
Hey, I have David's Mom's cell- what? why? How?, well yeah... that's God 4 ya
12:51 Mrs. Scott- yeah, remember me- we have no gas
Gas stations are closed
You have gas! Wow, yeah thats God 4 ya!
Is that her, no. There she is, no. That... no.
God are you laughing with us right now.
How many people turn by the Marathon at 1:00 in the morning...
in a town where there is nothing open?
There she is...
1:12 Hug Mrs. Scott- THANK YOU so much
you were still up... wow
Thank you so much, your AMAZING
Thanks Again- BYE
1:30 On 15 again, the right direction
What was that?
A paper bag...
Do paper bags make that noise when you hit them?
uh... no
We KILLED thumper
Are you sure it wasn't a small white dog or cat
no... oh... okay
1:45 What was that?
A squirrel
stupid rodents
at least that one made it out alive
2:15 Gas... full tank... just in case
Call Reed, oh, no curfew... sweet
So that was interesting... want to go to Steak and Shake?
Why not?
2:30 Two brownie sundaes, chili, and a hamburger
Write down details of nights events... long list
3:00 Arrive at Indiana Wesleyan University
Well... that was a fun night... nice hanging out with you... nice meeting you
Through it all... GOOD Music (check out Hawk Nelson and The Wedding... they're awesome... may be some of my new favorite bands), GOOD Humor, GOOD People, GOOD Laughing, and a GREAT BIG GOOD GOD!!! Hey just pray, it works... and you may even see God's humor thru it all!
Saturday, February 04, 2006
I just had some adjustments made to my computer! Hopefully it will work better now and I will be able to blog more often!
Again, keep my student teaching and Summer options in your prayers... I want to do what God can use me in most effieciently!
Stay strong, and in His Word... it builds you up!!
Remember to be motivated by His love in everything you do... that the difference between our Jesus and other's gods!
Again, keep my student teaching and Summer options in your prayers... I want to do what God can use me in most effieciently!
Stay strong, and in His Word... it builds you up!!
Remember to be motivated by His love in everything you do... that the difference between our Jesus and other's gods!
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Student Teaching?
As of Monday everything for student teaching next year was needed...
I had none of them
So, should I just not do it?
Oh, ye of little faith
Hebrew 11:1
Faith is the Substance of things hoped for and the Evidence of the UNSEEN!
I had partially all of the money and a hold on the now made dePosit
I had a Partner (the only two unplaced people)
I had 4 options in where to go... not Muslim countries
is this settling for less than God's plan or going with it?
Here are the option- All Internationally Accredited Schools in:
Prague, Czech Republic
and... looking into but not forward options
Norway and Azerbaijan
so... now...
Will you join with me for this... His will is all I want
Honestly... wherever I can be His hands the BEST
Lord, place me in YOUR Placement- not mine...
I had none of them
So, should I just not do it?
Oh, ye of little faith
Hebrew 11:1
Faith is the Substance of things hoped for and the Evidence of the UNSEEN!
I had partially all of the money and a hold on the now made dePosit
I had a Partner (the only two unplaced people)
I had 4 options in where to go... not Muslim countries
is this settling for less than God's plan or going with it?
Here are the option- All Internationally Accredited Schools in:
Prague, Czech Republic
and... looking into but not forward options
Norway and Azerbaijan
so... now...
Will you join with me for this... His will is all I want
Honestly... wherever I can be His hands the BEST
Lord, place me in YOUR Placement- not mine...
Monday, January 23, 2006
Semester thus far...
The beginning of this semester started out a little strange, but it's all good. I have started my first practicum at school. I go to a school called Northwestern all day on Wednesdays and Fridays. It takes about an hour to get there, but it is well worth the drive. I have been blessed to be placed with an amazing teacher and class. My teacher knows what she is doing, wants me to be invloved and practices balanced literacy. The students are also amazing. They all want to be ther and they all want to learn. I realize that this is hardly ever the case in most classes, but boy am I blessed.
On Wednesday nights I also get to help out with a ministry at the church I attend here in Marion. I've been able to help teach the some of the local community kids who are bussed in. That as well has been amazing, as I have seen the Lord work through many people to reach these wonderful kids who are longing and searching for the hope that only Christ can give! They're fosheezy fojeezzy (a.k.a. they are for sure for Jesus).
Prayer Requests:
-Pray that the Lord will continuely let all of us (IWU Practicum students) shine for Christ as these praticums are an amazing oppurtunity to show the love of Jesus.
-Pray that the people who are in charge of placing us for student teaching put me right where God wants me to be. I have applied for Cross-cultural student teaching so this means that the experience will be amazing and stretching. Also pray that the Lord provides for this, for even the $300 downpayment is coming up on me quick.
-Continue to pray for our Brothers and Sisters around the World who are being persecuted, along with those who are persecuting them and need the True Hope that only Christ bring!
Let us continue on in His ways so that we may bring His Hope to the Hopeless!!
Perseverence is key in all that we do...
Life has no meaning until you come into a relationship with the its Creator.
On Wednesday nights I also get to help out with a ministry at the church I attend here in Marion. I've been able to help teach the some of the local community kids who are bussed in. That as well has been amazing, as I have seen the Lord work through many people to reach these wonderful kids who are longing and searching for the hope that only Christ can give! They're fosheezy fojeezzy (a.k.a. they are for sure for Jesus).
Prayer Requests:
-Pray that the Lord will continuely let all of us (IWU Practicum students) shine for Christ as these praticums are an amazing oppurtunity to show the love of Jesus.
-Pray that the people who are in charge of placing us for student teaching put me right where God wants me to be. I have applied for Cross-cultural student teaching so this means that the experience will be amazing and stretching. Also pray that the Lord provides for this, for even the $300 downpayment is coming up on me quick.
-Continue to pray for our Brothers and Sisters around the World who are being persecuted, along with those who are persecuting them and need the True Hope that only Christ bring!
Let us continue on in His ways so that we may bring His Hope to the Hopeless!!
Perseverence is key in all that we do...
Life has no meaning until you come into a relationship with the its Creator.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006

My friend Klinttin is quite funny. The first couple days I was back I was given the great honor of house sitting for his family. One night I get a call from Klinttin. He says "I don't trust you" and I asked- what do you mean. He then replies that he is a afraid I am going to do something to his room... I now had to do something to his room! After asking his Mom and getting a "I wont get mad at you response" we- I mean- I decided to think of something funny to do. We proceeded to rearrange his closet, switch his desk items around, hide his remotes, and short sheet his bed. About a week later we Christmas paper wrapped his- I mean- his mom's car and then proceeded to go into his house and watch a movie- without any suspicion. We had a blast being pranksters!! Here is a OCD before photo of the closet.

Sunday, January 15, 2006
Friday, January 13, 2006
Suddenly by Superchic[k]
She feels lost in her own life
Treading water just to keep from slipping under
And she wonders if she’s where she’s supposed to be
Tired of trying to do it right
Her dreams are just to far away to see how steps she’s making
Might be taking her to who she’ll be
And suddenly it isn’t what it used to be
And after all this time it worked out just fine
And suddenly I am where I’m supposed to be
And after all the tears I was supposed to be here
She feels locked in her own life
Scared of what she might lose if she moves away from who she was
And she’s afraid of being free
There’s a way she knows is right
She can’t feel the things she knows
And so each step she’s taking is a step of faith toward who she’ll be…
And here where the night is dark
It’s black
She feels the fear
And the light is farthest back
And through her tears
She can’t see the dawn is coming
Skies will clear
And the light will find her where she’s always been…
update to come soon...
She feels lost in her own life
Treading water just to keep from slipping under
And she wonders if she’s where she’s supposed to be
Tired of trying to do it right
Her dreams are just to far away to see how steps she’s making
Might be taking her to who she’ll be
And suddenly it isn’t what it used to be
And after all this time it worked out just fine
And suddenly I am where I’m supposed to be
And after all the tears I was supposed to be here
She feels locked in her own life
Scared of what she might lose if she moves away from who she was
And she’s afraid of being free
There’s a way she knows is right
She can’t feel the things she knows
And so each step she’s taking is a step of faith toward who she’ll be…
And here where the night is dark
It’s black
She feels the fear
And the light is farthest back
And through her tears
She can’t see the dawn is coming
Skies will clear
And the light will find her where she’s always been…
update to come soon...
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