Sunday, August 20, 2006

At School...

So I have returned to the WU... right now it is very quiet as not very many people are here yet, but I find it very relaxing. This summer wasn't uptight or anything, but I enjoy having the chill time with the Lord, the uncluttered and uneventful times just chillaxin' you know. I like it. I do miss my family and friends already, but as most of you know this will be my last year here, the senior- I know... bittersweet. So, what then you may ask, well, I am asking the same question, but not with anxiousness, I know this is where the Lord has brought me thus far and I have no reason in my entire thinking to doubt the one and only faithful One! So now, we may ask Him together what's next for Kallie? Some have given me suggestions, but so far the Lord has not confirmed or denied any such planning of any sort. I say "well, I have loans to pay off," but then He reminds me that He is not only the God of the heavens and earth but also of my finances, so all of my options are wide open. All I know is that He is good and following His ways thus far have not been disappointing one bit. Man, I love knowing the Lord, it is just refreshing that I don't have to worry about what life holds, because I know the One who holds life. Peace just over whelms me as I think of what an amazing God I have and that He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that I can ask or think... aahh I like that!

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