Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I'm alive...

There are certain things in life that do an amazing job at reminding me that I'm ALIVE! Today the sun is shining, the air is fresh, and- oh how blue the sky is. For some reason when it is like this outside... I truly feel alive!! Take a breathe of fresh air.

"Its times like these that remind you 'I'm alive'!" -Extreme Days quote as they are jumping off cliffs with snowboards attached to their feet!

I know that if you are in Nevada today it is not quite like this outside... but still, take it in! Remember this truly is the day that the Lord has made, and we could do NOTHING without Him!!


Anonymous said...

When I wake up each morning I say the same thing thank you Lord I woke up today and know matter what I go throuh today IM glad you are with me. and I got out of bed. Thanks be to the Lord....

Anonymous said...

Here in Nevada we have MOUNTIANS can you say that in your flat little state?? LOL LOL LOL