Thursday, October 13, 2005


Yeah... so the other day we watched a video on Mother Theresa in class. There have been a few things she said on the video that have stuck in my head so I thought I'd jot them down... and if anyone reads this... hope to hear what they think.

The question is why is there poverty?- this has struck me a couple times- why am I here with so much that I throw things away when there are people, even here in Marion, who are in need and haven't eaten in days?
Mother Theresa's thought (paraphrased by me): God did not create poverty. It is a human thing. We just don't share everything the God has given us.

Other Mother Theresa thoughts:
The people in New York have a much deeper poverty. They long for love.
You can find culcutta anywhere in the world, you just need eyes to see.
People around you are starving for love, can you help them... you don't even have to buy a plane ticket.
So my friends- Klinttin and Whitney have arrived in Indiana. They are currently staying with Whitney's Grandma in Indianapolis. They are coming here tomorrow at 12:00 NOON!!!
I can't wait- I'll keep you up to date!

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