Saturday, November 26, 2005

On my way back...

Right now I am staying at my Youth Pastor's wife's parents house and I saw quite a cool sign hanging in their kitchen, it says:
"Only one life 'twill soon be past,
only what's done for Christ will last."

So many times I wonder what I should do in the future... where should I live, where should I work, what should I do... and I think I am askingthe wrong question (for all of you who still make decisions that effect your life and the life of those around you- which is all of you) the question should be "How do I live my life for Him... to get maximum impact?"

Money is nice and good and the Church needs it to do what God has called it to do... but that should not be our soul purpose for anything (I know that most of those who are reading this- it is like I am preaching to the choir sorry, but I need to be reminded of this more often.) How can I change the world? By giving someone Jesus... the only hope that really has an everlasting change on peoples lives. Yeah the world needs Christians in every kind of vocation. Christ needs His servants to die to themselves and proclaim His name... the future needs to be more than a job.

I had an amazing Thanksgiving... Pics and stories are to come... when I am in the dorm!

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